*Note – to hear the sound, click on the “View Code” link as the youtube video doesn’t have sound


I wanted to play with how sound can influence the movement of shapes. As I was scrolling through Youtube, I was suggested a song with this album cover below

From the song Tycho – Awake

From there, I knew I wanted to try graphing the amplitude constrained within a circle. This image reminded me of a beach so I wanted to graph waves through the circle. As I experimented, I was not getting the correct amplitude to constrain within the circle, so I decided to construct a wave using ellipses.

Drawing waves within the ellipse

As I mapped the volume of the song to the wave and it began to move up and down, I started to noticed that it looked like the outline of an umbrella, if I were to get rid of half the circle. So, I pivoted my idea to create an umbrella and added rain when pressing the mouse. Since the volume was so low, I had to multiply my variable “vol” by high increments in order to get a noticeable range of movement. A classmate from Allison’s class had used arrays to create falling blocks upon pressing the mouse, so I adapted my version to create falling rain when clicking the screen by pushing to empty arrays.

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