After playtesting last week, our group received valuable feedback regarding the concept and user interaction. First, many users did not see our correlation between fire and our fireflies. Second, catching fireflies in a jar is not a universal activity, so users were having trouble knowing what to do when they saw fireflies projected on the screen and had a jar in their hands.


As a group, we realized we needed to simplify our idea. We discussed our main story line and decided it will be driven by meditation. After meeting with Jeff, he suggested we get started with testing to produce a minimum viable product or MVP. From there, the ball started rolling.


Sam got the Muse to test on and downloaded an app that we could use to integrate between p5.js and the muse. Tianxu worked on our switch for our mason jar that would prompt the start of our interaction, and got it to work. I worked on the visual p5.js sketch that we would use to visualize our mediation with fireflies. Overall, we made much progress! Tianxu and Sam were able to hack the code to connect the Muse and p5.js. And I got a prototype of the code with the state change being mouseX. Eventually we would use the Muse data to drive the state change. We were also able to solder the Nano to the prototyping board. So much forward progress!

Testing the Muse

Our p5.js sketch

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