In watching the random walker video, the randomness reminded me of the sprawl of the city and the outline of the sky scrapers. I originally set out to create a more “organized” random walk where the user would outline the city scape but, I think the calculation to do so was a bit of a stretch. So, I kept the concept of a user controlling what happens on the screen and adapted it so they could make their own cityscapes.



Originally, I wanted the random walk to simulate the outline of a city skyscrape. The user would be able to move their mouse to determine the start/stop and direction of the random walk. However, this was too hectic.

In my initial try, I used a line to connect vectors, so I experimented with different shapes. I ended up using a rectangle and this began to look more like ginormous buildings in the background.

These shapes reminded me of artist Rafael Rozeendaal and usage of shapes. So, I decided to create an experience where the user could make their own cityscape, or paint their own canvas with their rectangle “brush”.


I created a vector and based on the probability and the user’s mousePosition, a certain size step would be generated. The usage of mouseY was so the user could determine how much randomness was generated on the screen. So, in this case, the user was the artist on the p5.js canvas.

Examples of Random User generated canvases

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